Management studies


What is leadership?

What is the meaning of leadership? , there are many definitions for leadership. It is an art of influence on people to achieve a common goal. Alternatively, leadership can be defined as a process of inspiring others. This chapter briefly describes some essential areas about leadership, including the definition of leadership, qualities of a good […]

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what is organizing

What is organizing

Organizing is another important function in management to accomplish goals and objectives. After establishing the organizational goals and objectives, the entity needs proper arrangements for achieving them. In this chapter, we describe the organizing function. This chapter includes the definition of organizing, core concepts in organizing such as work specialization, the chain of command, authority,

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what is planning?

In this chapter, we explain the planning process in management. The planning process is the primary function in management. This chapter covers about, a brief introduction about planning, how it’s important to the organization, what are the levels in this process and many more. Learning outcomes Understanding planning The importance  Characteristics of good planning Levels

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definition of management

What is management?

Definition of management.!!! Many management students are very interested in management, usually looking for a specific definition of management. This chapter includes management definitions, the importance of management, management process, and some core concepts in management. After reading this, you will gain a good basic knowledge about management. when considering about definition of management There

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